Novolyze Blog | Food Safety & Quality

Outbreak and Recall Round Up - February 2022

Written by Laure Pujol | February 28, 2022

In this month's outbreak and recall round up, you will find a recap of recalls in the United States and Europe from the past month. No outbreaks were reported during the period. 

United States

In January 2022, 12 recalls have been declared in the United Sates.


All chemical related recalls have been due to undeclared allergens

Milk 2
Shellfish 1
Tree Nuts 1
Soybeans 1
Sulfites 1
Egg 1

The 2 biological related recalls were due to Listeria Monocytogenes contaminations on spinach and salads.

In January, one recall was due to unmet specific nutrition and labeling requirements for infant formula. 


In January 2022, 334 notifications have been reported; 20 were realted to feed, 30 to food contact materials and 284 to food products. 

For the food section, by far the most number of notifications were linked to fruits and vegetables.

Chemical hazards were responsible for 3/4 of the notifications. 

The graph below presents the breakdown of chemical hazards per cause. The main hazard is related to the presence of pesticide, mainly in fruits and vegetables (84%).

The following graph details the causes of biological hazards. The main hazards are related to Salmonella contaminations mainly coming from poultry products (42%) and herbs and spices (39%).

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